Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Just a Quickie. . .
Sorry Ty--I should know you're in the Fourth Grade now. . .But, didn't you just have your 1st Communion????? When did you continue to grow up???? Love you kiddo!
In case you didn't know, I am so proud of my niece and nephew. They are really great kids and I hope Aidan grows up to be just like them! Kudos to my sister and brother-in-law for doing such a great job with them!
And, second:
Lori, you have my greatest admiration and respect. I don't know how you manage with four kids! And they all sound so terrific, too! You are a mother to be emulated. Truly.
I promise no more ranting!!! : )
Barring Fay remnants or Gustav or any other rain event, we are off to Lake Gaston on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing how the boy does on the water. We already know he loves to be in it!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Comments Potpouri . . .
Add to that, we (I) decided to remove the wallpaper in my kitchen and then to paint it. I did this while I was off after coming home with Aidan but still need to get the stuff off behind the refrigerator. And then we (I) need to finish doing the touch ups of the actual paint and to the trim. . .
We did finish re-doing the Study closet, though. . . Because of the stress of all of this extra work, I pinky swore (really!) with Pat that we would not start any more projects (I can think of at least 20 more that I'd love to do!) until those started are finished. And, we agreed that we will give ourselves the deadline of Thanksgiving to complete those started. It could happen!
But, now it is the end of summer. . .time to start stewing those tomatoes that aren't getting eaten fast enough and freezing them for later use and for harvesting of the basil to make pesto. I have all the supplies. I just need to do it!
When is there time to do any of these things with a two year old boy around???????????????
We had further confirmation on Friday that we need to always let Aidan get his nap. We had decided to have dinner out at TGI Friday's on Friday night. Close to home and relatively inexpensive (subject for a couple of paragraphs from now). We were told that he had only slept about an hour for that day's nap. Well, it showed. Aidan was in the worst temper he had been in for weeks! He was throwing things, being argumentative with us, and kicking the wall. At one point, Pat actually said we should just pay for our drinks and go get Taco Bell and go home! I somewhat stubbornly stuck to my position of eating out and it was the most unenjoyable meal we have had in a very long time. I should have listened to Pat. . .when we got home, a little after 7:00, I stripped Aidan down, put on a clean diaper and his pjs and plopped him into bed where he promptly fell asleep a minute later. There he stayed for 12 hours! Sometimes Aidan acts a little like a teenager. . .is he really listening? Or has he developed, at an early age, the knack for only hearing what he wants to hear? Sheesh! What will he be like as a teenager?!?!
My niece and nephew started schoold today: Kendall is now in the 7th grade and Tyler is now in the 3rd grade. Aren't they the best looking kids around??? Aside from mine, of course! : )

My mother called last night and reminded me that I will now have to decorate more for allllllll of the holidays. . .yes, I told her, I know. It's not really my thing, outside of Christmas, but I'll do it for Aidan. . .I need to find him a stocking, speaking of Christmas!
I was going over our budget the other day. . .I guess I will cut out my pedicures. . .it is the end of summer anyway. I am also looking to make a few other cuts like going out to dinner as often (how unfun!). These higher gas and food prices (we are buying a dozen eggs and a gallon of milk every week mostly just for our growing boy!) are killing our budget not to mention the lovely day care expense we didn't used to have! But, I am going to stubbornly hang onto my Cleaning Lady as long as I can. . .it's only twice a month! And what a time saver it is! : ) So, anyone know of a good miling cow and some laying chickens for sale??? Cheap???? : )
Blessings, and promises for less ranting next time!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Some Pictures downloaded!!!

My cutie pie really enjoying the beach. . .I'm soooo happy he loves the water!

I'm sooooo excited to be here with Daddy! Too bad I have to wait, like, 10 years until I can hunt! (Mommy's not sorry about that!)

They are kind of cool looking!

We really enjoyed our time at my sister in laws. I think we'll have to do that again! Labor Day weekend will be spent at Lake Gaston on the Virginia-North Carolina border. Should be fun to see how he does boating!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Learning all about our little man
It seems most kids from Russia are extremely yummy to mosquitoes and gnats. . .Aidan's legs and arms and sometimes his face, too, are nearly always covered in mosquitoe bites. But, the worst was actually gnat bites. Apparantly, Aidan is allergic to the gnats. Last Wednesday at dinner, I looked at Aidan's face and saw what looked like a black eye. I freaked a little and asked Pat what had happened (Pat had picked him up from Day Care). All Pat knew what that there had been a black spot, bug probably, by his eye that he had brushed off. The eye didn't bother Aidan and it didn't get any worse through the evening, so I forgot about it.
The next morning, when I got Aidan up, his eye was swollen on the inside next to the bridge of his nose. I put a cold compress on it and noticed that it didn't seem to bother him so off to Day Care we went. I told our lady to let me know if it got worse, of course, but still called a couple hours later. It ws the same, no worse and no better. But, then an hour later I got a call that the eye was starting to look worse. . .not the eye itself, which never even got red, but the area around it. I called and got an appointment with the pediatrician for that afternoon and by the time we got him there, Aidan's eye was swollen shut! Sheesh! A couple of doses of Benedryl, that night and the next morning, and all was well again, with the swelling having gone away by dinner on Thrusday night. The eye was bruised for a couple more days and you can still see where the gnat bit him, but it is all good now. Funny little guy only acted like "Why are you all looking at me so much and worrying about my eye??? It's all good!"
Last weekend was awesome. I took Friday off and got a lot done in preparation for our post placement visit coming up in September. All I need are a couple more pictures. I even got the US Passport application filled out for Aidan. We decided to renew our passports at the same time we get Aidan's so they will all be on the same schedule. Ours come due next April anyway, so it seems right to go ahead and do it now.
Saturday we went down to Aunt B and UB's and saw the Alpaca's. Before we went, I taught Aidan how to say Hi Aunt B and he actually did say it! The trip down was mostly uneventful. Aidan didn't begin to feel any car sickness until the very end, during the hairpin turns going up over the mountain from Harrisonburg. But, once we were straight again, he was fine. When we arrived, he took one look at the Alpaca's and said. . " Kitty cat Cow!" He was very excited to see them. He was pretty brave about being in the pasture with them, but didn't try to get too close. By the end of the day he was calling them Pacas.
He did get sick a little on the drive back down to Harrisonburg, but not until close to the end and only a little. Hopefully, he will eventually get his sea legs and the car sickness things will pass. . .I felt so badly for him, especially with the poor pathetic looks he would give me!
I'll post pictures of the Alpaca experience soon. . .as soon as we get them downloaded from the camera! In fact, I think we may have to do a picture post with all of the pictures we have on there!
By the way, summer is over in Krasnoyarsk. . .the high Thursday is going to be 42 degrees! and the low will be 26 degrees! Yes, fahrenheit. . .and that is below freezing! Brrrrrrrrrr. . .it's only August. . .
All you folks in process are in my prayers. . .especially that things settle down in Russia!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Can you hear Aidan growing???

The top line was from last night, August 14th and the bottom line was from April 17th! Wow! I think I hear him growing now. . .
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
These boots are made for Aidan!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Quandaries. . .
The first: On Saturday, the Redskins play Buffalo at 7:00 pm. So what? you ask? Well, Michael Phelps swims his first event at 10:00 pm on Saturday night. For a former competitive swimmer, that's a big deal. I guess I'll have to miss the last few minutes of the game. . .sigh. . .I hope they aren't critical minutes!!
The second: Every year, all of the ministry heads of the church are invited to a meeting at which the fall stewardship campaign, fall ministry fair, and other ministry head issues are discussed. This year, I am feeling like not going. . .the venue I used for my ministry--our newsletter--is no longer in publication and I didn't ever even find out if I have a budget this year--I had one last year, though. The other topics to be discussed this year will be the Capital Campaign, which I think is a topic for me and Pat to discuss without the church listening in, and to show off the work completed on the property. I will see that work at a tour I am scheduled for later in September. I just don't know about this one.
However, speaking of my ministry: I received a call from the church to give a lady a call up at the Loudoun Museum about some of my research. Pretty much it boils down to that they will be promoting my research and many of my articles that pertain particularly to the church. I have one more article and one old picture of the inside of the church to take up there. This year is the 250th anniversary of Leesburg, so this is really an honor to have my work highlighted in this manner at the museum. It's nice to be needed!
Aidan continues to do really good. He was a little more cranky today, but it was because his nap was cut short (Daddy picked him up early) and he didn't get his usual pantry full of snacks. But, he'll get to bed early and all will be well.
Daddy is taking Aidan up to the hunting camp tomorrow to scout for deer. No guns, though! Aidan isn't old enough for that, yet. But, he'll be decked out in full camoflage, thanks to Mama! Daddy will take some pictures to post later.
We got Aidan signed up for the fall swimming lessons at Ida Lee park. They begin on September 6th and will be half hour sessions beginning at 9:40 each Saturday and will run into the first weekend of December. Looking forward to this!
Finally, when we first got Aidan out of the orphanage, he was always saying Doby, doby, doby, doby. . .when we came home, he began calling the dogs Doby. Both of them. Pretty cute, considering this means "Happy" in Russian. The other day, I heard Aidan say a stiff Maggie and hugged Maggie really hard. However, Mosby is now just Dog. Poor Mos!
More later!
Aidan loves this song!! He always does the hand wave thing when he hears it!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Status of stuff

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!!!!

Tonight's game doesn't start until 8:00, so Aidan probably won't see any of it and I will probably only see the first half, and it is only pre-season. . .but, YIPPEE!!!!
Aidan and I went shopping at the Outlet Mall yesterday morning. We got a lot of great stuff for him for the coming winter. Lot's of nice casual clothes, with an eye toward potty training, and even a couple pair of dress pants and a dress shirt. I'd like one more full dress outfit for him that he can wear to church, too. I also was able to get two pairs of shores: sneakers and a pair of dress shoes, both from Stride Rite. Carters had the best selection of clothing for the best prices, but Gymboree was a close second. I was even able to get a pair of camoflage underwear at Carters and a potty training incentive! Last week I ordered a full camoflage outfit for him, pants, fleece pants, shirt, hoody jacket, hat and even hiking books. He can go scouting with Daddy now dressed just like him!
On the way out of the mall, I took Aidan to the toy store: a kid's wonderland of all kinds of play opportunities!!!! : ) He wanted one of everything. . .even the dolls (disturbing, but he is two!). We bought two toy truck things, a broom and a dustpan, and a kaleidoscope, which interested him for about a half hour.
Then, yesterday evening, we met some friends at Dulles Town Center. The only thing I accomplished there was to get Aidan some Gummy Bears at the candy store. No one had my size shoes or even Pat's size shoes!!! I hate that. . .I guess I'll have to order the expensive running shoes from Road Runner again. At least I can get my size! What I wouldn't give for a nice brown leather slip on casual shoe in my size. . .sigh.
Our Six Month Post placement visitation is coming up next month. We still have about 6 weeks until the meeting--it's scheduled for September 13th and will give our Social Worker time to get the report done, sent back to us for notarization and apostilles and then back to her to send in--but I thought I would start getting some pictures together to have ready for our Social Worker. So much has happened since we've been home and I'm sure we will talk about the status of Russian Adoptions as a result of the other local Harrison couple (the hearing is scheduled for later this month) but I'm also sure it will all go well. Tomorrow marks 4 months since Aidan came to us from the orphanage. . .can it only be 4 months that he has been with us???Hasn't he always been with us???
Well, church and then grocery shopping and then I really MUST vacuum. . .