But, first, more pictures: this time lunch with peanut butter and jelly with a side of milk-which we now loooovvvveee!
Enjoying our first pb&j sandwich
Discovering the sticky feel of jelly. fun!
7:30 to 8:00: eat breakfast
8:00 to 8:30: get cleaned up, dressed, comb our hair, brush our teeth.
8:30 to 11:30: play (preferably outside-throw a tantrum if we don't go out), run errands with Mama if she has any to do, get into as much mischief as I can, spend a couple of time outs. Yell and scream when it is time to come in for lunch (until the food is put in front of me, that is!)
11:30 to 12:30: LUNCH!!!
12:30 to 1:30, 2:00, 2:30 or even sometimes (blessedly for Mama) 3:00! Nap time
Whenever I wake up to 6:00: Play (again, preferably outside), get into mischief, spend a couple more time outs, sometimes dance with Mama, go on errands with Mama and Daddy if they have some to do.
6:00ish: DINNER!!! I even ate Mama's spaghetti last night! YUM!
After dinner: Play until bathtime.
7:30: Bath time (this is especially fun! I pretend I am swimming in a pool! And there are toys and stuff that I can throw around in the tub and make a big splash! Then I can watch Mama or Daddy wipe up all the water from the walls and floor!)
After Bath: Play until Bedtime.
9:00: Bedtime (Scream and cry for about 5 minutes and then fall asleep!)
Generally, a fun time is had by all!
So, seriously folks, yesterday was a trying day for us. The morning was what I would call a Jonah Day. Aidan was tired and very uncooperative all morning. About five time outs later, I seriously wondered if I should attempt church with him by myself. But, I went ahead and did it. And, as God would see fit, he was an absolute angel for the entire time we were there! He sat quietly and even folded his hands in prayer during prayers. I took him to Childrens Chapel and he loved it! He was very attentive to the lady doing the message. When we went back, he was good as gold during the Eucharistic Prayer and then processed up to the altar with me very quietly. He even seemed reverent while up at the altar! He was happy to receive his blessing and watched me received the wafer and wine. Then back to our seat quietly and happily! He didn't get fidgety until the very last hymn while the cross was processing back out! I was so proud of him!
Then we got home again. . .and the devil came back. I gave him his lunch and he just threw is around the kitchen, fed some to the dogs (does peanut butter and jelly hurt dogs??), pulled and pinched Maggies nose, and then pinched my arm so hard I now have a bruise! But, I cleaned him up and put him to bed where he slept for 2 1/2 hours! He was tired, the poor little guy! Probably got worn out being so good at church! : ) While he slept, I received a few phone calls with helpful advice on how to deal with the monster boy. At that point, all I wanted was some peace and quiet and rest! But, I appreciated the advice and will refer back to it soon.
When he got up from his nap, my darling angel was back. We had an awesome afternoon and evening with him! He ate dinner nicely, had a good bath, played well with both Mama and Daddy and only whimpered a little when Daddy put him to bed!
I love it when the day ends well!
Seriously, Stacey, rotate your pics before you post:0) call me, I will teach you how. Tell Aidan he is more American than the my three bio kids...none of the will eat pb&j...only pb...what IS up with that?
How adorable! No, PB and J does not hurt dogs!!! Even chicken nuggets, mac and cheese and whatever else little kids love to eat! Otherwise our 15 year old dogs would have been dead a long time ago! It just makes the dogs love him even more! HA HA! I can not wait to see him in person. 2 more weeks! Just tell those snotty people to bug off if they are giving too much advise!!:) I know I was one of them hee hee! Anyways, he looks like he has been there forever! Incredibly awesome! Kendall and Tyler are so excited to meet their new cousin! LOVE YOU!
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