But, this could very well end up being over 100 pages! I don't think I realized it would be this big, but I really like how it's turning out. Almost every page has a picture on it so far. . .there are so many from both of our trips and this is really a great way to save them in a permanent location. And, I've been able to use a lot of the pictures I had on my Blackberry, too. But, I'm not deleting them from that until the book itself arrives.
Actually, now that I think about it, I think I will edit after I get June in and that way I will only have six months to edit after that. I'm doing this during nap times and after bed time so it limits how much time I can spend on it. But, at least I can save my work as I go! Plus, now that I think about it, if something ever happens and my blog is lost, this book will be great for having all of those memories and pictures saved!
Aidan was back at the doctor on Friday for a re-check on his ears. Still some fluid behind both ear drums, but it is clear. Thanks be to God!!!! Now we just have to hope and pray that the fluid drains properly and does not attract any new bacteria.
Tomorrow night I am back to Weight Watchers. I estimate I'll be about 10 pounds over my goal weight. As a life time member, I will only have to pay for the weekly fee, no registration fee, and then I'll only have to pay weekly until I get two pounds from my goal weight. Not too bad. I'm glad to get back to that so that my jeans won't get any tighter! I just hope I don't get over confident and stop going, as I have done before! Maggie has become a bit of a chunky monkey, so when the weather is nice, I'll probably take her for walks, which will be good for both of us.
Pat has been working so much lately. He ended up working New Year's Eve. . .not really a big deal since we didn't really plan on going out, but it still stank for him! We had a really big wind storm on New Year's Eve and there were power outages everywhere with trees and wires down. There were a couple of deaths, too. One was a Catholic priest who had stopped on the road I take from Aidan's day care to work about an hour after I had travelled on it in order to move a large branch. While moving it, he was struck by another falling branch and killed. Ironically, he was on his way to a funeral. Pat had to work New Year's Day, too and then his regular schedule on Friday. Then, he worked the late shift yesterday and today, having volunteered for those two prior to knowing he would be working New Year's Eve and Day. So, his next paycheck will be pretty nice. . .Maybe we can actually go out on a date! More on that some other time. . .
I've been toying with updating the picture for this blog to something more current. I have a really cute picture of Aidan with our dog Mosby and he looks like the all American kid. . .I think it might be time to move on from Russia and concentrate on being here in America with our American son. . .
or there is this one. . .
or this one . . .
Hi Stacy,
That sounds like a great thing you are doing with the blog! Those pictures are so adorable - He is just so cute! Thanks so much for all your encouragement - I am getting back to being a trooper with the help of you and other friends and family!
Warmest Wishes...Teresa
I like the pic on the side bar from halloween...it too cute! I had my 2007 blogs published on blurb and I love the way the book turned out...i gave a copy to all the grands for Christmas...now I have to start on 08! Good luck at Weight watchers! Thinking about ya!!!
I vote for the one with the dog. I was home alone for New Year's Eve too. I am starting to rethink my decision to wait on inputting my blog into a book. I think it sounds like it will be a big job.
Are you including all or some of the comments too?
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