Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall, Fair, Flu, Fun!!!

Fall is definitely here! It's October now, the nights are cooler with consistently going into the upper 40's--great sleeping weather!--and the days are really nice in the upper 60's and low 70's. Today may be up to the mid-70"s, but still really nice. The leaves are beginning to change, pumpkins and Mums are everywhere and I even saw a Wooly Bear Caterpillar the other day while on my lunch time walk. Awesome!! Except that Aidan really doesn't like wearing long sleeved shirts. . .I have to talk and coerce him into it every day. . .at least he likes wearing his jeans!

The Waterford Fair opens today. It is one that I have always loved: crafts, wreathes, candles, Revolutionary War and Civil War Reenactors, Carmel Corn and apples. I work in Waterford, which is the town next to where we live. It was founded in 1733 and the houses are mostly from the late 18th century and early 19th century, with a few slightly older thrown in for good measure. It's very quaint. The entire town has been placed on the Virginia Historic Preservation list. It gets a little rediculous at times with what you can and cannot do, but I still enjoy walking around the fair and seeing all the talent people have in what they make. I usually pick up a Christmas present or two as well as restock my candle supply while I munch on the popcorn! Hopefully the weather will remain nice all day, and all weekend for the folks who put so much into this fair.

The flu is beginning to really hit around here. As of yesterday, two children are down with the Swine flu at Aidan's school--neither in his class, and one with a stomach virus, who is in his class. Hopefully, the flu shot he got will protect him from what is in his class and, I pray, that he won't get the Swine flu. . .I really want him to get that vaccine before it really hits!

And finally, Go Caps!! We off to a great Hockey Season start. . . : )


Joy said...

Oh man that sounds like a great fair! I wish I could go. I love that kind of stuff.
Oh I hope he does not get sick too.

Anonymous said...

I think I would love to live in that area - I just love really old historic homes. The fair sounds amazing - I try to go to a few up here in CT, too!
I pray Aidan and all the other little kiddies (and all of us)don't get that swine flu - It is scary that it seems to really be starting up again. Hopefully they can all get their vaccines soon. Have a great weekend! Teresa