Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lent and Daddy's Day. . .

Today is Ash Wednesday. So, now it is Lent. It always seems to creep up on me, a little stealthily, but so much more so this year! I guess I was focusing on my arm; being snowed in; being snowed in with a 3 year old little boy; not seeing much of my husband. Needless to say, it took me a bit by surprise on Sunday when I realized it was here and I have not a clue what I am giving up for the next 40 days! Perhaps I'll use what a Seminarian once told me: Chilean Peppers. . . : )

We had initially thought we would go to church tonight. But, what with Aidan's swimming lesson and Pat wanting to work on the Bookshelves in the Office, I decided to give them a "Bye" and went at lunchtime. I think Pat was glad, and truth be known, I think Aidan will do better with the impostion of the ashes when he's a little older. . .

Remember you are dust and to dust you will return. . .

Since last Fall, Aidan has asked, repeatedly, when his birthday is. So, I started telling himthe litany of birthdays to come:
Grandmas, then nana's, then Jesus', then Daddy's, then Grandpa's, then Grandpa Dave's, then Kendalls, then Aidan's!!

Aidan, in his cute little way, asked when is Mommy's?? Well, after Aidan's, then it's Tylers, then Aunt B's, then Mommy's!

I should preface this next part by saying he knows Daddy's name is Pat and has even heard him be called Patrick. So, the rest shouldn't come as a surprise. . .

Last week Aidan again asked about his birthday. So, I said, well, next is Valentine's Day, then Grandpa's birthday, then St. Patrick's Day, then. . .wait!!! Daddy's Day??????

How cute is that?


sonflowerjax said...

So, so adorable! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Of course you have a kid who LOVES his birthday!!!!! Hilarious!!! I am not ready for him to be 4!