Saturday, April 10, 2010

Resigned. . .

and very sad. . .

It just seems that, every few months or so, there is extremely negative publicity about Russian children being adopted by Americans. sigh. . .

This latest situation just has me shaking my head. I mean, this women in Tennesee. . .wasn't there something the agency could have done to help her? Aren't there local authorities that can help? Didn't she have a pediatrician, priest/minister, or other person she trusted that she could have talked to? Surely there were signs to the people around her?!?!?

And, what about those people at the airport? Didn't they question a child travelling alone, to Russia, on an expired Visa??? Surely that should have raised at least a small flag to someone there???

Now, in addition to all of the families waiting having their process jeopardized, there are hundreds of thousands of children sitting in the orphanages without families and Russia could pull the plug on the whole program!

People, listen!!! There are places and people that can help if you feel the need to interrupt your adoption!! Take the proper steps and measures to help the child, and yourself! Don't jeopardize the process to help all of those other children!!


Tamara said...

I read it in this mornings paper. So sad (and frustrating!). So many things went wrong in that process. My heart goes out to those waiting children and families stuck in the process.

sonflowerjax said...

Thank you for your prayers! They are needed! We are trying to trust that God knows exactly who our child will be, and that, until we can bring him or her home, He will be providing and protecting him (or her). ...of course, all of this is much easier to say and to type than to live.

Anonymous said...

Hi Stacy,
Thank you so much for all your support and prayers through our process.
All we can do now is pray that news gets better rather than worse in the weeks to come.
Best always,

Anonymous said...

It is heart breaking - as an adoptive Mother to two Russian children I am sick over it.