Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Busyness Continued. . .

Well, so far, 2011 is just as busy as 2010 was. . .but, of course, we are still very early into it!

Aidan woke up very early (5:30) on Monday morning because he was so excited about going back to school!  Go figure!  And he has been having an awesome week so far.  He is really sounding out words now and, I think, is really just on the cusp of exploding into reading.  Reading starts in his Pre-K class next week so I can't wait to see how that goes.  Grandma and Grandpa gave him some Tag books that will help with some simple words when we are at home.  We started reading them and they are really cute with a lot of rhyming. . .Casey Cat has a Hat.  It does bring back memories of See Spot Run. . .

We finally picked up Aidan's glasses and his teacher says he does not seem as hesitant with handwriting.  I don't know if the glasses are really that helpful or not, but we'll go with it!  He only needs to wear them for reading, computer work, and handwriting if he is going to do those activities for 15 minutes or more.  I'm glad we got them, though, before he starts reading so there won't be any potential bumps on that road.

Aidan also decided he wanted to sign up for the Ninja class that is being done at his school.  It's a beginners karate class and lasts about 1/2 hour each week during school time.  He had initially said no to this, but then changed his mind yesterday--the day it started--and so I signed him up.  He seems to have liked it and talked about learning how to focus during dinner last night.  This could be a good thing!

I've started a new approach to discipline with Aidan, too.  We still send him to his room when he has really crossed the line.  But, now, after he has had a chance to calm down or to think about it, I go up and talk to him about choices.  I ask him to explain what happened and the result and then to think about what could have happened with a different action on his part.  I think he is really thinking it through and understands that there are consequences.  I noticed him thinking about things more as he was doing things last night.  Could be onto something here and I'll keep you informed!

We've put in for our vacation time for the coming year.  Two big plans:  we're going to take Aidan to Disneyland next summer--I've wanted to wait until he was 5 and I wanted his first Disney experience to be at Disneyland.  I am originally from Southern California, so that is kind of important to me.  Anyway, should be fun to take him there and to the beach where I grew up--Newport Beach, Balboa, and the fun Zone in Balboa with frozen bananas. . .Awesome!!

We're also thinking we might get away for a few days in December to celebrate our 25th Anniversary.  Possible a 4 or 5 day trip to Mexico, and take the kiddo with us.  That might be fun!

The main thing about our vacation for this year is that we are having to plan for Aidan's school days now.  He starts Kindergarten in August so I have to work with his days off and plan for that.  I'm hoping to not have to use his current school, unless I absolutely have to, so I can begin to eliminate that expense--and it will feel soooo good to eliminate that one!

I'm getting used to using the Weight Watchers Online program.  It's pretty cool and really lets you see how you are doing all at once.  Hopefully, I will stay focused on this and let the program work.

Some friends are coming on Friday for Pizza night and to play Wii.  Should be fun!  That reminds me, I need to figure out how the pizza will work in my Weight Watchers plan for this week!

Oh, and before I forget, I have scheduled our 3 year post placement visit and report with our Social Worker.  I have asked her to get the scoop on what the new requirements will be for the Russians on completed adoptions.  My biggest concern right now is if we do need to continue to do post placement visits, who will tell us about that new requirement?  Our Social Worker, The State Department, or the Russian Consulate. . .I'd much rather hear about this from our Social Worker than the other choices.  AND I'd much rather have her continue to be the one checking on us!  She does already know us, after all!
Pictures soon, I promise!  Including some of Aidan with the new glasses--he looks sooo grown up!


Joy said...

I can not believe that I have never been to California or the Carribean for that matter. I almost booked tickets to the out islands of Bahama. I would check it out. Apparently, Jimmy Buffet goes there, I not sure if you guys are fans but the beach looks beautiful.

We decided to wait on traveling to another country until I get Anna's US passport plus she drinks Russian Kefir and I am worried I will not be able to find it in other countries.


Troy and Rachel said...

We're also considering vacations, but are undecided. We were thinking Disney in FL this summer, but the dolphin swim at a park there you have to be 6, so we may wait until next year, but then we'll have to be careful about school schedules also!

Sounds like you are off to a busy start!

Melissa said...

Disney sounds cool. We are waiting to bring Colby too. We heard about a CARS thempark at Disneyland in 2012 so that might be it, even though FL is much closer.

We just had our 2 year postplacement done and it actually had to be in person. Previously the yearly ones didn't have to be. So that might be a new requirement, and our adoption agency knew about it. It is so hard to keep up.

Good luck with the glasses. Colby wears his all the time and has become used to them. He wants them. Just make sure you have a replacement plan. Little boys aren't very gentle!