Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Outside Activities

Aidan had his 7 year old Well Check up last Friday.  He measured 50 3/4" tall and weighed in at 55 pounds.  This equates to being in the 87th percentile for height and 69.5 percentile for weight.  Now, as I've said before, what exactly do these percentile's mean????  I think it means that 50th percentile is normal or average and higher is just bigger.  Aidan's pediatrician did say his weight is fine but that she had been a little concerned about it last year.  Really???  You can see his ribs!!! 

Anyway, she was very happy about how active he is.  In addition to the hockey, he just bought himself a baseball glove and ball and has been playing catch with daddy. . .and anyone else who will.  He loves to climb trees, shoot hoops, play kickball. . .pretty much anything outside.  He LOVES being outside.  The pediatrician LOVES that he LOVES being outside! 
He bought this baseball glove and ball with money he got for his birthday and has been having a blast with that!  Please ignore that Dallas Cowboys shirt that my friend Allison insists on sending every year to try and corrupt my baby with.  He should be wearing a Washington Redskins shirt. . .but he is being systematically brainwashed by Allison. . .  : )

Because the comment about him being a little high on weigh bothered me so much, I did check on the CDC site to see where Aidan stacks up.  According to the CDC the average 7 year old is 44 inches tall and 50.6 pounds.  The average 9 year old is 49 inches tall and weighs 61.6 pounds. . .hmmm. . .Aidan is a little taller than the average 9 year old and weighs a little less.  At 7.  I'm not going to worry about it.

Oh, and he loves to climb trees!  : )

This past Sunday, we went to the 160th Upperville Horse and Colt show.  We went with another family who has a 6 year old boy whom we met through hockey a couple of years ago.  The boys have a blast together (that's them in the tree above) and we have a blast with the parents. 

It was not a sunny day.  In fact, about half way through the Jumper Classic portion, the skies opened up and began to pour down rain!!  We had to pack up quickly and make a run for the cars.  At least we didn't have to pay for parking!  Although our afternoon was cut short, we still had fun.  The horses were incredibly beautiful, as usual.

Aidan, as I said, loves to be active.  It just about kills him when it is raining or too cold to be outside.  So, in addition to the Wii, I bought him a new slider pad that he can actually practice skating on. . . inside, in the basement!  Pretty cool, too.

He hasn't used it much yet.  But, I know he will next fall and winter. 

And so, we are beginning to make plans for the summer weekends.  We have to set these things up because everyone's schedules are sooo busy!!  But, we have it in the books now to go to a couple of movies (so far, Monsters U and Despicable Me2) and have a picnic, or two, at the pool.  Shaping up to be a fun summer!!

And, we are about ready to do our contract for the Screened Porch and concrete projects.  We have one more estimate to get, which is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, and then on Friday we will make our decision and be ready to go.  I'm so excited!!!

And that's the way it is, on Wednesday, June 12, 2013.  Have a great day!!

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