Speaking of the end of January, unbelievably, this blog will be four years old in a couple of weeks! Four! Can you believe it???
Aidan has decided he wants to continue with Mini Mites Spring League and through the summer. He really enjoys it. His face is always beaming smiles when he's on the ice. So, we bought him a new hockey stick last night and we'll get it taped up this weekend. He was invited to try for the Spring Mites League, but I think we'll wait and revisit that this fall. He's fine for now.
Loudoun County Public Schools will hit the 100th day of school for this school year next week. Apparantly, the Kindergarten class makes a big deal out this and plans a kind of party for it. I have been asked to send a 1 pound bag of Skittles. . .they will be making a Trail Mix with the Skittles and other supplies.
On the subject of school, Aidan has been asking, A LOT, lately "How long until I'm in First Grade?" Too soon, if you ask me!!
Last Friday, I noticed that Aidan's Kindergarten class has posters of teeth up on the wall. Each one has a month at the top and below that are lists of names of who lost a tooth that month. I've seen the same thing in his room at Winwood. . .poor Aidan!!! He has not lost any and none are loose! The dentist already told me last August it will likely be sometime between the ages of 6 and 7 for Aidan. So, I just ask Aidan to see if his bottom center teeth wiggle. He likes checking!
This Sunday, Pat and Aidan will be going to Monster Jam down at the Verizon Center. Aidan likes watching this on TV sometimes and has collected many of the Monster Trucks to play with. They'll be taking the Metro and will eat hot dogs and drink juice. . .Aidan has no idea!!! I'm excited for him to do this.
Meanwhile, Mommy has an appointment at Red Door Salon for a massage and Pedicure. . .after church, of course!
And, finally. Here are a couple of pictures for comparison:
This is Aidan's Kindergarten school picture.
This is Pat when he was in First Grade--about 7 or so.
Seriously, if you didn't know, would you know??? Not that it matters, but don't they just look so much alike????