Friday, July 25, 2014

Moving Mom, Loudoun County Fair, and Fun Hockey Times!

This past week has been eventful.  Very eventful.  I am exhausted and really looking forward to a full week off with my family.

Last Friday, after working all day, I got on a plane and headed west.  My flight left Dulles Airport at 10:10 pm Eastern time and landed in Los Angeles in the wee hours.  I had a 5 hour layover and then headed to Las Vegas, arriving there about 7:30 am Pacific time.  Although I had tried, I did not sleep.  Maybe a couple of short cat naps. . .

My sister Gini picked me up at the airport and we headed to moms, me with my coffee in my hand.  We spent the entire day, along with Gini's husband and his friend, two of our cousins, our cousins wife, and our other cousins son, packing my moms house.  We had a large pile of trash, a truck load going back to Gini's house and the rest is heading east to moms new place at an Assisted Living facility in Chicago, near my other sisters house.  We amazed ourselves with how much we got done in one day.  Truly amazing!!

After a good dinner of Mexican food and a quick night of sleep, we loaded up the truck and car, sold my moms car to one of our cousins, and headed out on the road for the 10 hour drive to Gini's.  During our drive, I convinced my sister that I had to have some Jack in the Box!!!  Gini just rolled her eyes, but Pat was jealous!!!

We don't have this fine food in Virginia!!!  : )

We finally arrived at Gini's where we found mom very upset.  Of course, our arrival represented to her that her life at her house was over.  I felt terrible about it, but we just can't let her live on her own anymore.  It would be irresponsible of us. . .

Mom's dog was happy, though.  Mia is a very cute little dog.  And very spoiled.  But I;m glad mom has her.
I spent the next few days visiting with mom and helping her take Mia to the vet, and etc. items that needed to be taken care of.  We checked a few things off the list of things to do. . .and added a few, too.  I headed back home again very early on Wednesday and arrived home in time to have dinner with my family.  A couple of days of work and then we'll be on vacation!!  and not a moment too soon for this tired girl. . .

Meanwhile, while I was gone, the boys were having fun.

Aidan started his week off from camps with a play date with his buddy Evan.  Daddy took the boys to the park where they had a blast rolling down the hills. . .

He also went to the pool with our neighbor kids and came home and did this. . .after a freak out from Mommy, I was assured that he did not actually go down the stairs this way. . .Where does he come up with these things???

This week was also the Loudoun County Fair, so I got the boys tickets and Pat took Aidan and his cousin Kurt on Monday evening.
Saw some camels. . .

And went on some rides. . .

They also stayed for the Demolition Derby.  A good time was had by all!!!

And I've been told the pink socks have been hidden. . .never to be seen, or worn, by our boy again!!  LOL!!

And then on Tuesday, Pat took Aidan to his hockey practice and sent me videos so I could watch even though I was 3,000 miles away!!

Isn't my kiddo amazing???  : )

And now my friends, I am off to work for one final day and then we'll be headed out to the beach!!!  Can I hear your hallelujah???

Have a great weekend!  Catch you on the flipside. . .

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Summer Time

Its that time of year where the air weighs heavily and the cicadas are singing.  There are afternoon thunderstorms, and some evening ones as well.  The kids have settled into a summertime routine of pools and play thoughts of school are a distant memory.  The days are long and filled with fun and the nights are too short--at least for this mom.  Fun times abound!

Last Saturday, I took Aidan to get a hair cut.  He wanted it really short with a mohawk on the top.  I told him he could get it cut however he wanted but no mohawk. . .so he got it cut really short all over.  Cute and perfect for the summertime heat, but I miss his shaggy head!!

Doesn't he remind you of the Saturday Evening Post with this picture??

His hair is so short. . .: (  but the good part is that it is easier to care for.  With all the swimming he's been doing, his hair was getting really sticky feeling from the chlorine.  We're going to let it grow out again, though.  In fact, we probably won't get it cut again until it's time for school pictures in October!

Speaking of school . . .the tax free weekend is the first weekend of August.  We get home from the beach just before, so I've already been planning what I need to purchase for Aidan for school.  We have his new backpack and lunch box picked out from LLBean.  And I've already purchased most of his school supplies.  I'll pick up his clothing and shoes during the tax free weekend.

And in case you think I'm being a summertime killjoy, I'm truly not.  I just have to plan ahead!!!  I will be leaving Friday after work to go out west and help pack up my moms house and I'll be there until next Wednesday.  So not looking forward to this trip.  Lots of angst, emotions and tempers have been boiling up.  I'll be home a couple of days--just long enough to get the laundry caught up and repacked--and we'll be off to the beach.  That's the reward.  Looking forward to watching my little dudely get back into surfing the waves!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Aidan and I headed to our pool for a couple of hours last Sunday.  However, it was a long trip to get there.  Why?  Well, we had turned down a road on the way to pick up a friend when I noticed the car in front of me swerving all over.  I watched and pulled back, realizing that the driver was actually looking for a specific address.  He finally pulled over to the curb--brake lights but no signal--so I thought he was stopping to figure this out instead of trying to do it while driving.  But, no!!  He ran into me!!!  He hit hard enough that we bounced a bit.  It was in the right rear, damaging the tire (flattened it!!) and rim plus some dents and scrapes along the wheel well and running board.  He admitted fault immediately (no kidding) and he called in the claim.  Everything will be taken care of while I am in Nevada and California so no worries there.  But I had to tell him that he was very lucky that there was nothing wrong with Aidan (there isn't).  He might not have survived my reaction if there had been!!

And lest you think we haven't been doing any hockey. . .think again!!  Aidan continues his weekly practices plus Cold Rush.  Last night we had a parent meeting to discuss our upcoming travel and tournament schedule.  We're booked through the end of the year now and have a couple more decisions to make for after the first of the year.  It's going to be a really fun season!!!

Have a good rest of the week!!!  Think nice cool thoughts. . .

Monday, July 7, 2014

Travels, Camp and the Fourth!!

This has been, and will continue to be, a travelling summer.  Three weeks ago we were in Connecticut and New York.  Two weeks ago we were in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.  Two weeks from now I will be in Nevada and California.  And three weeks from now we will be in North Carolina. . .add in Virginia and Maryland and I'm covering a lot of states!!

We have been busy this summer.  Aidan is in the midst of all of his camps.  He had a week of Hockey Camp last week.  He'll do two more of this camp later in August plus a Shoot to Score camp. . .I'm thinking his skill level is too high for this camp so we likely will be looking for something a bit more intense for next summer.  When I went to pick up the boys last Thursday, Aidan was playing a scrimmage with the 12 and olders. . .and skating better than them, too.  : /

This week and next week, Aidan will be at Ida Lee Camp.  It is fun.  There are crafts and basketball.  Plus swimming every day.  And then once each week they will go over to the outdoor water park.  The bad part is that I have to send lunch and two snacks each day. . .the good part is that I send lunch and two snacks each day (I can send much more healthy foods that he likes!!)

Last week was very tiring for Aidan.  He spent the week going over to his friend Jake's house each morning and then the two of them went to camp together.  Thursday night he spent the night at Jake's and then they all came here early Friday morning so Aidan and Jake could be in the Fourth of July parade.  Fun stuff!!!

These two are best buds. . .

Pretty goofy aren't they???

Jake and his family came back later and had dinner with us and few other friends and then stayed for the fireworks.   We also did some of our own while we waited!!
Jake came back on Saturday and went to the pool with us and then they wanted to have Aidan come back for another sleep over.  I had to put the breaks on, though.  One look at Aidan's face told me we needed to have an early night and then sleep in.  I wanted to take him to church (which I did!!) anyway.  And we had planned to go to a movie (which we also did!!).  And it was a good thing!!  Aidan went to bed at 8:30 and I had to wake him up at 8:00 on Sunday morning for church!!!

We had a great day on Sunday, just me and Aidan (Daddy had to work).  After church, we had an early lunch and then headed to Cobb for a matinee of Earth to Echo, which I thought was very good.  Quick stop at Wegmans and we were home on the porch hanging out before 3:00.  I commented to Aidan how I had enjoyed our day, just Mommy and Aidan.  And he replied, "Yeah its been fun.  Maybe Daddy will take me to the pool when he gets home."


That's about it.  Have a great week!