Thursday, December 2, 2010

You Know You're Attached When. . .

you drop your child off at school, head back to the front door and are almost there (the classroom is at the far back of the school) and hear "MOMMY!!"  turn around and do the quick step back to your child's classroom, knowing all the while that it is YOUR child who called. . .even though the school is teeming with young children talking and yelling all over the place.  When I got to Aidan's classroom, he launched himself at me and said, "I didn't give you a hug goodbye!"  Melted heart and tears at the edge, I hugged my son goodbye for the day and then headed off to work with a majorly warm spot in my entire soul. . .I love days like that. . .

Christmas update:  Steopa the Elf arrived safely yesterday morning, inspite of the heavy weather--crazy warmth of 64 degrees that dropped to 46 degrees within a half hour, heavy wind and rain.  He arrived with the Advent Calendar full of goodies and a new car for the Polar Express Train.  Pictures will come this weekend. . .


sonflowerjax said...

I love the Steopa elf reference! I literally LOL! :) Can't wait to see pictures!

Troy and Rachel said...

I love this post!! Daniel did that to me this morning - he went in so I turned around without my usual hug and I heard "MOM" and feet running after me - the teacher was chasing him down too and all he wanted was his hug goodbye!