Friday, September 14, 2012

The Proper Response to a Gift

A Priest friend once told me, "Stacy, the proper response to a gift is Thank You."  He said this to me over ten years ago and yet it is still something that I am constantly having to remind myself.

And remind myself I do.  Daily.

I look at my husband.   He is handsome.  He is kind and gentle.  Sometimes easily frustrated, but who isn't.  He usually listens.  Slow to anger, quick to laugh.  Loves to have fun.  What a gift!!!  The perfect gift to me.

I look at my son.  He too is kind and gentle.  Fun loving.  Sensitive when so many are not.  So empathethic that it's a little scary.  Wonderfully smart and super athletic.  And cute too!  Another wonderful and perfect gift!!! 

We have terrifc parents who love and care about each of us individually and as a whole.  Great sisters and brothers in law, aunts, uncles, cousins, neice and nephews. 

We have a beautiful home in a great location.  Good schools.  Good jobs.

We are absolutely blessed.  I need to remember that more often.

Thank you.

1 comment:

sonflowerjax said...

Blessed beyond measure. :) Ephesians 3:20-21 comes to mind!