Sunday, May 12, 2013

Filled With Warm Loving Pride

We have so much going on lately.  Most of it hockey related, but also family related.

My mom is here visiting.  She came to be here for Aidan's birthday, but I also get to spend Mother's Day with my mom! 

My mom is scheduled to have laser surgery to remove the recent cancer.  I don't know the date yet and I don't know how extensive the surgery will be, but she is in excellent spirits.  She is tiny as can be (as usual!) but she is eating.  I think she is even trying to make some healthy choices, which makes me so much happier. 

Yesterday, Mom and I were on the go all day.  First, we took Aidan to his swimming lesson.  Pat showed up about half way through and took over that duty so Mom and I could run to Target to get some things for Aidan's birthday. After a quick bite, all four of us were off to the ice rink for Aidan's hockey game. 

Aidan's team won big  26 to 15!  I was very proud of Aidan because he was skating very well, even against a boy who is on the travel team with him but about 1 1/2 year older!  Aidan had five goals and four assists.  My camera battery was completely dead so I didn't get any pictures yesterday of the game.

Speaking of hockey, Pat and I were firmly in the "NO" camp for Aidan trying out this year for the Xtreme.  However, we have had a change of heart.  One, we don't know for sure that he'll make it, but there is a strong likelihood that he will.  Two, the cost will end up being about the same for us in the coming year.  The combination of the House League fee and the Select Team fee is a little more than what we would pay for the Xtreme on it's own.  AND, the game schedule is about the same between the Xtreme and the Select team.  AND we would only have one team schedule to keep up with. . .definite positives.  And finally, Aidan would continue with the boys he's been playing with lately who are on the Travel team with him (one less transition, for my transition sensitive kiddo).  So, we will let him try out.  If he doesn't make it this year, he almost definitely will next year so this will be good experience for him.  It's a three day Try Out: 1st on 5/29, 2nd on 6/1 and the last one on 6/2. 

I'm looking forward to June. . .no homework and a less hectic schedule. . .I think.

Today is Mother's Day!!  Happy Mother's Day to everyone out there.  We're taking the family to brunch at Lightfoot in Leesburg.  Looking forward to it.  It looks like it will be a beautiful day, too.  And then, this afternoon, I will begin the preparations for Aidan's big day!  I can't believe my kiddo is about to be 7.  Wow.

On this Mother's Day, I am profoundly grateful for Aidan's birth mother.  As a single woman in the middle of Siberia, she was faced with so many challenging choices.  And yet, she chose to give this child life by not terminating it.  And then she chose to give him a chance at that life by giving him up to the orphanage for care--a place that provided him with so much more medical care than she would have been able to provide!  And finally, she chose to relinquish her parental rights so that he might have an opportunity to become a part of a family.  She may not have thought her child would end up in the United States, but I hope and pray she would be happy about how his life is going.  I am so lucky to have the honor to call this boy my son and to be called his Mama/Mommy/Mom.  It just fills my heart with warmth and loving pride.

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