Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Busyness Even When Sick!

Last Friday, Aidan woke up with a very upset stomach.  He threw up once and then spent the rest of the day with the other issue.  Poor little guy was really not feeling well.  He never had a fever, but the sharp pains in his tummy stayed with him all day.  Outside of giving him yogurt, water, and other mild foods, there wasn't much I could do.  I did hold him in between bouts and tried to comfort him as best I could.  At lunch, he begged for chicken noodle soup, even though it was about 95 degrees outside.  Of course I made it for him.

Saturday morning, he hopped out of bed and asked for some orange juice and declared he felt all better.  He still had some dark smudges under his eyes, but he was not longer pale.  So, I agreed to take him to the second day of Xtreme tryouts and then to his last hockey game with the Kelly Green team.  We did skip the last swimming lesson though.  He did well with hockey, although he was definitely moving slower than normal.

He had one bout on Saturday, but the rest of the day he ate and seemed fine.  I thought maybe we had suffered a 24 hour bug and could go on now. 

Saturday night, we met Pat at the Classic Car show in Leesburg, where his Corvette was being shown.  It was very hot and Lightfoot Restaurant was selling ice cream.  Aidan asked for some and we said yes. . .to two scoops!  Which he promptly devoured. 

Sunday morning, Aidan came running in about 5:00 am, in tears, and said "Mommy, come quick.  I need you!"  And then he ran for the bathroom.  Oh man.  Nothing like a major jolt to the heart from adrenaline to get you started for the day!  Yes, one more bout. . .very worried, I said no to the final day of Xtreme tryouts and then called the doctor.  It seems that he was on the mend, but his tummy wasn't quite ready for milk or ice cream yet.  : (

He did go back to school on Monday and has steadily been better.  His color is good, the smudges are gone and he has been eating everything in sight!  And, if I needed any more proof, last night he said, "Mommy, I just went poop and it was all solid!"  Okay then. 

I really don't like it when he gets sick.  It's so hard to see him not wanting to run and jump and play!  And to see him so pale. . .oh! 

As for school, we're in our final two days now.  Yesterday was Field Day, which was a blast, and today they are having an End of Year Party.  Tomorrow, they will help clean the classroom.  One thing I thought was really cool, is that the teacher will put shaving cream on the desks and the children can write in it and then, when they wipe the shaving cream off, the desks will be clean!  What a fun way to clean! 

Friday is Aidan's first day of Summer Vacation, his 7 year old well check up--I sure hope he gains some weight back before then!, and then Pat and I have a date.  By ourselves!

Summer is already filling up with a lot of activities.  I'm trying very hard to keep some of our weekends clear.  After being so tightly scheduled all year, I don't want to have something every weekend!  It's difficult, though, because there are so many fun things going on!

Some pictures of the past week:

Aidan at Xtreme tryouts, Day #1

Aidan's Travel Team picture with all the coaches

Aidan and Pat at the Car Show. . .and he offending ice cream cone, too!
Next week and the week after, Aidan will be at Winwood.  He'll have some fun.  There will be a kick off party on Monday for Winwood Summer Camp with balloons, moon bounce, popcorn and snow cones.  Then, they are having a Pirate Party on Wednesday.  On Friday, they will be going to Dinasaur land out near Berryville.  Then during week 2, they are going to a Water Park, King Pins for bowling and they will have a water day at Winwood.  What fun!  On the quiet days, I can send the Math and Reading workbooks that the school sent home to keep the learning going for the summer. 
During week 2, Aidan will start his skating lessons with Cold Rush Hockey.  It's at 6:00 am on Wednesday mornings!  Whew!  But, then, I used to have practice at 5:30 every morning for swimming when I was a kid.  So, I think the one day a week will be fine. . .AND, we're going to go to the library and see about checking out some of the books on the summer reading list. 
That's it for now.  Enjoy your day!  It's going to be a beautiful one, so get out there and take a walk!

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