So, Aidan is all Russian, but his Mama is part Irish, so wearing of the green is not optional. . .nor is having corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots for dinner! I will show some restraint on giving him green milk, though. : ) I wonder what he'll think when I put cabbage on his plate? He hasn't seen that in a year!
Incredible to think that a year ago today Pat and I were frantically running around the house trying to pack while deciding what to take and what not to take, get the dogs settled at their new homes for the coming month, and make sure we had all of our paperwork, passports, money and other important stuff in the carry ons! All that last minute stuff. . .Crazy! And to think that at the time we had a two bag per person limit of 55 pounds per bag!! Little did we know that we would have a 20 kilo (40 pounds) per person limit for in country travel in Russia!
I remember watching the John Adams series in the days leading up to now, and even while we packed--note to self: don't watch American History series when you are about to leave the country for a month! It makes me very nostalgic and sentimental for home. . .I did end up buying that series after we returned. Love it! And I have since found out that John Q. Adams was an Ambassador to Russia!
Tommorrow, the 18th, marks one year since we left. I can't believe that was a year ago. . .and yet, Aidan has always been here, right???
I am in shock by how fast this year has gone. I started looking at your blog just a year ago?? Wow it seems like he has been up there in the header forever.
Happy belated St. Paddy's Day!!
I am not Irish at all, but Kevin is all Irish, but I love all that Irish stuff, especially sheppherd's pie!
1 year home! - It does seem as he has been with you guys always.
Thanks for your comment on my blog today abou Daniel. Happy one year and belated Happy St. Patrick's Day. It does feel like the little ones have been here forever!
Can't believe it's been a year! It seems so much longer! Aidan has been in our lives forever... right?
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