Monday, November 15, 2010

Getting Ready to Get Ready. . .

Many signs have been appearing lately that Christmas is just around the corner.  Including the songs we are practicing for the Children's Christmas Pageant, the stores are decked out and the annual onslaught of catalogs and commercials have begun.  Aidan, being 4 1/2, is not immune to the "I want. . ." infection.  I am hoping to show a little more restraint this year, keeping in mind the mind numbed look that came over my dear sons face about half way through Christmas morning. 

In the meantime, we (the parents) and Santa wanted to find out what Aidan would like this year.  So, the Target toy catalog was discreetly left out along with the latest Sponge Bob Square Pants pen.  This is the scene I came upon on Saturday morning. . .

Every single boy toy was marked in some way. . .every single one!  Sheesh!!  I do think there may be a Criss Cross Crash under the tree. . .that is one thing I know for sure he wants--I hear about it every time he sees it on Nickolodean.  But, shhhh!  Don't tell!  Pray that Aidan doesn't figure out the child locks yet. . .only one left and that is on the door to the guest room where I am hiding things.

And so it's official, we're getting ready to get ready. . .


Doug and Shelly said...

Adorable pictures! This is the first year that Annsley has started going through kids catalogs that come on our mail. "Oh look, this would be a neat toy to have." Hint, hint!

sonflowerjax said...

So adorable! :) Love it!

Melissa said...

Very cute. We've been trying to sort it out with Colby too but he says he needs everything. Ugh! Be careful that Criss Cross Crash looks great but in fine print it says it only comes with 1 car. You need to buy the others. How can they crash if they only give you 1?