Thursday, September 22, 2011

According to Aidan

"Mama, you know what?  Some planes have lots of big jets to make them fly and some have japellers!"

And you know what?

"Tonight, if we have 'nuff time, maybe we can watch Panny McPhee."

And you know what?

"The finger skaters are still on the ice!"

And you know what?

"Daddy is going start the ferwheeler drive so I need my earspeakers!"  (said while covering his ears)

And you know what?

"I heard a fire truck going down the road with a loud siren this morning so I'm glad my school is safe cuz I want to learn lots of stuff!"

And you know what?

"Daddy said he wasn't going the speed lemon after he picked me up at Winwood today."  (Daddy!?!?!?)

And you know what?

Yesterday, when I left Aidan at the entrance to the library, he walked half way down the hall and then looked back at me and smiled!  This was a first.  He has not looked back at me before and always looks sad walking down that hallway all by himself.  Huge!!

And finally, I will share a story from the middle of the night hours at the Harrison house. 

I awakened to hear my young son get out of his bunk bed, walk across his room, down the hall and past his bathroom, into our bedroom, negotiate his way around both dogs and past our bathroom, around our bed to my side, climb up the side of our bed and then over me, get under the covers and then turn to me, putting his little hands on each side of my face and said in a very loud whisper, "Mama!  I have to go to the bathroom!!"    :  }

All of this is said to me with that cute little earnest face, sprinkled with freckles, and a slight lisp that I just can't correct yet because I just don't want him to grow up out of this stage yet!

I just love this kid!!


sonflowerjax said...

I love every part of this post! Aidan is so stinkin cute!!! :-) he speaks in paragraphss now! So, they jump from 3-4 words to THAT in just a few years. Wow, how time flies!!!

Barb said...

Great post.
Finger skaters. Love it!