Monday, September 26, 2011

The First Call From School

It's not really a bad call, but I was dreading the first call from school.  It came on Friday morning. 

I received a message from Aidan's teacher, Mrs. Taylor, indicating that a little boy in his class had checked out a library book and then failed to return it.  His excuse was that he had given it to Aidan.  When asked, Aidan replied that it was on his book shelf at home.  The teacher simply asked that I check and let them know.

Well, without even checking I knew we didn't have it.  I check Aidan's backpack every day and knew what had come out of it and what had gone back in to go back to school.  And because either Pat or myself pick Aidan up at Day Care, we would have noticed something in his hands, which there wasn't.  Further, we read to him two to three books every night which means we are looking at his books every night. 

Realizing that there are three Aidan's (the other two spell it different, but it is pronounced the same) in Aidan's class, I called the school and left a message for his teacher asking her to call.  I wondered if perhaps they had the wrong Aidan.  Not getting a call back, I emailed her in the afternoon, thinking that she could possibly either call or email me after the children left for the day.  No response at all.  Either way. 

So, I asked Pat to double check Aidan's cubby at the Day Care to be certain the book wasn't there and then I double checked his book shelves when I got home.  Nada.

When questioned, Aidan pulled out the library book he had brought home on Thursday, which we had already read twice at that point.  Still thinking I would resolve this matter by writing a note and sending it to school on Monday morning saying we don't have the book and that perhaps they have been checking with the wrong Aidan, I heard my young son say, "Mama, Mrs. Brown (the Assistant teacher) said I would be in trouble if I don't bring the book back on Monday so we better put this in my backpack!"  Say what?!?!?!?

Needless to say, I will now be personally dropping Aidan off to his classroom today to give the teachers a piece of my mind!  Whether those were the words used by Mrs. Brown or not, it is definitely the impression Aidan had.  And it hadn't even been determined if he really had the book!! 


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