Friday, August 13, 2010

Stress!!!. . .Tranquil Beach Picture. . .

Whenever I am stressed, I think of very non-stressful things. . .this picture works!!!

This has been a really rough few weeks for me.  The day before we left for the beach, I recieved a call from my sister that I needed to call my mom. . .bottom line, my 94 year old grandfather had been scammed. . .out of a lot of money!  On the way to the beach, I spent quite a bit of time on the phone with my freaked out mom, trying to calm her down and giving her a list of things to do: call the FBI, call Poppy's bank to put a block on his accounts, and call the local police in Poppy's town to report this crime.  That was all done, and a few days later, the police were at my grandfathers house for a follow up visit when the scammers called wanting even more money!!!  I believe that is what led to the discovery that one of the potential scammers was an actual bank employee at my grandfathers bank.  I don't know if the $40,000 lost will be recovered, but I think there is a good chance the people will be caught. . .

Suffice it to say, my grandfather cannot live alone any longer.  He needs help.  So, one of my dear cousins went and picked him up and took him half way to my moms house, about a 4 hour drive each way.  Then, another of my dear cousins has spent at least 3 weekends carting his things up to his new apartment near my moms house.  But, here is where my anger begins. . .my mom is not an only child.  She has a sister, who is quite wealthy, but won't lift a finger to help!!!  It's crazy and it's poisonous. 

So, the family has become divided. 

And all of this came to a big head during a week when I was dealing with chigger boy (who is doing much, much better, thank you--and never even whined!!!). . .and losing a lot of sleep. . .and not being very charitable. . .but being especially mean, defending my mom from threats and stuff. . .

sigh. . .

another view of the tranquil beach picture, please. . .


sonflowerjax said...

oh, man! You have had a rough week or two! Here's to a "Hope you have a better week!" cheer!

junglemama said...

Big hugs. You have alot on your plate right now. Deep breath. :)